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Hormone Therapy for Men

As the male body ages it begins to decrease production of the primary male hormone testosterone. The symptoms of testosterone deficiency are often attributed to aging and therefore not considered by many to be a treatable condition.


Testosterone deficiency is treatable with Bio-identical Testosterone in Lee's Summit, MO (structurally identical to the testosterone the body already produces). Once the condition of testosterone depletion is treated most if not all of the negative side effects can be managed.


Looking for testosterone therapy in Kansas City? llumé Med Spa is conveniently located in the Kansas City Metropolitan area, and free consultations are available!

About Testosterone Replacement in KC

Low testosterone can cause men to experience erectile dysfunction, mood changes, decreased sexual performance, change in body composition, and an overall lower quality of life. Whether a man has confirmed low T or is just looking to get ahead of the aging process, testosterone therapy can help.

Testosterone treatment can be intimidating to new patients. It’s a safe medical treatment that can be non-invasive. It’s typically administered in cycles along with a diet and exercise plan which helps the body naturally increase its own testosterone production. Some patients see improvements in just 2-5 weeks after the start of treatment, with some seeing the full benefits in just a few months. Improved energy, memory, and focus are just some of the first benefits patients report experiencing.

Research shows patients experience an increase in libido, sexual function, and sexual desire after optimizing their testosterone levels. Other benefits include improved cognition and mood, higher muscle mass, and a lower risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Given the vital role testosterone plays in red blood cell production, fat storage, muscle mass, and mental health, testosterone replacement therapy can be a great tool for men to improve their quality of life.

Common Symptoms of Low Testosterone

  • Diminished Libido
  • Erectile Dysfunction

  • Decrease in Muscle

  • Depression & Irritability

  • Lack of Drive

  • Insomnia

What Happens When You Have Low Testosterone?

 Low testosterone can manifest itself in a number of ways. Some of the most common symptoms experienced are weight gain, weakness, fatigue, loss of libido, mood disturbances, and hair loss.

Testosterone has a widespread impact on the way the body works and affects nearly every organ system. T plays a key role in metabolism, by affecting how the body uses its caloric intake and encouraging muscle protein synthesis. Excess abdominal fat can decrease the body’s levels of testosterone and boost estrogen production in males.

The most common reason for lowered T production is simply aging. Research has shown that testosterone levels in aging males fall 1-2% each year after age thirty.

Scientists have also found a link between low T and chemical imbalances in the brain, which may be why men with low T frequently report symptoms such as low libido, fatigue, and mood disturbances.

In recent years two different studies – one done by researchers at Saint Louis University and the other by the Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan – found that testosterone replacement therapy was an effective treatment for mild depression.

Signs You May Be Experiencing Low T

1. You’re feeling weaker than normal.
Men who have low T frequently report muscle weakness – this is sometimes due to a decrease in muscle mass caused by low T levels.

2. You have bouts of unexplained sadness and a decrease in pleasure from hobbies you once enjoyed.
Evidence has shown that both high and low levels of T can cause mood disturbances and emotional side effects.

3. Your libido is much lower than what it once was.
Low libido is a common side effect of low T and is one of the main reasons men with low T pursue hormone replacement therapy.

4. You’re beginning to accumulate more body fat, especially in the abdomen.
As testosterone levels decrease men usually begin to see an increase in weight gain. Stomach fat, in particular, can increase estrogen levels in men, which can make T levels drop even further.

5. You’re experiencing health complications associated with brittle bones like fractures and bone breaks.
Often, low T goes hand-in-hand with low bone density (osteoporosis). The Endocrine Society lists TRT as an effective treatment option for men with low bone density and hypogonadism.

6. You’re experiencing a reduction in muscle tone.
Testosterone plays a vital role in muscle building and maintenance. When T levels drop, men frequently report a decrease in muscle mass and strength.

7. Your hair is beginning to thin and fall out.
Testosterone levels spiking during puberty leads to hair growth and other primary and secondary sex traits in young men. But as those levels diminish in older men, testosterone loss can often bring about thinner hair and male pattern baldness.

8. You’re experiencing problems with erectile dysfunction.
While low T isn’t a direct cause of ED in aging men, it’s frequently seen as a contributor to sexual dysfunction because it decreases libido and can cause a lack of enjoyment of intimacy.

9. You’ve noticed a decrease in semen production or change in the size of your testes.
Testicular shrinkage and a decrease in sperm output is a common symptom of men with hypogonadism.

10. You’re experiencing hot flashes.
Though typically thought of as a menopause symptom, andropause can cause this uncomfortable side effect as well.

Illumé Med Spa & Wellness Center is committed to helping men with low T reverse the signs of andropause (or male menopause) by creating individualized lifestyle plans and hormone regimens to supplement their body’s new levels of testosterone production.

At your appointment, our care providers will take some measurements (getting labs, blood pressure, weight, etc.) and then ask you a few questions to see if what you are experiencing can be treated with HRT. Once our physician has made a diagnosis, they will work with you to create a lifestyle plan and hormone treatment regimen that is tailored to your specific needs.

If you feel like low T may be the cause of your symptoms, schedule a Free Consultation today with our expert team of healthcare specialists.

How Testosterone Therapy Works

Testosterone replacement can be highly effective for men who have the signs of andropause “male menopause” which begins as early as 30 in some. Every patients starting hormone levels and symptoms are unique, as well as, their response to treatment. As a result our medical staff works closely with patients to provide unique treatment plans and make appropriate adjustments to optimize the patients blood chemistry.

What Does Testosterone Do for Men?

 Androgens like testosterone help us to grow and shape who we are physically and mentally. Inutero, T participates in the formation of male genitals, and during adolescence, it’s responsible for the onset of puberty. Besides facilitating our reproductive growth, T is highly involved in the creation and maintenance of sperm. Along with sending out the biochemical signals to make more sperm, it also controls the numbers of sperm-producing cells within the testes. T is known as a reproductive hormone, but this vastly under represents it’s responsibilities within the male body. While it’s indeed a sex hormone, T holds significant sway over our cardiovascular, muscular, skeletal, neurological and digestive systems.

According to the Journal of Endocrinology, T “plays a key role in carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism” and “has a major influence on body fat composition and muscle mass in the male.”

Testosterone also is an important component for muscle-protein synthesis, which is our body’s ability to convert digested proteins into muscle mass. T has a profound effect on the skeletal system since it helps regulate the activity of bone-building osteoblasts. Besides its physiological effects, T also influences many aspects of our mental state. Many androgen receptors are concentrated in the areas of our brain involved with emotion and problem-solving, this may explain why T has such a pronounced effect on mood.


Helpful resources:


Understanding How Testosterone Affects Men

Testosterone - What it Does and Doesn't Do

Belly Fat in Men

What Happens When You Produce Too Much?

 Outward signs of high T are breakouts, oily hair and skin, thanks to increased sebum production, and increased body and facial hair. Pronounced muscle growth with no notable changes in activity, may also indicate too much T.

Testicular shrinkage is one of the most concerning physical changes and often is an indicator that sperm production and quality are suffering. Swelling of the prostate is another common symptom, which can inhibit the flow of urine making going to the bathroom difficult.

Blood tests of men with high T often reveal abnormally high red blood cell counts, which some experts believe can lead to a heightened risk of blood clots. Edema or the swelling of extremities is seen in more severe cases, particularly in patients with a history of high blood pressure.

Emotional changes and irritability are common with this condition, and can sometimes progress to abnormal behaviors and psychosis. High T can disrupt our body’s circadian rhythm making high-quality sleep hard to come by. Sleep deprivation can also exacerbate these mental and emotional symptoms.

High testosterone levels can raise cholesterol levels and blood pressure, which can translate into frequent headaches for many sufferers. These cardiovascular changes increase the risk of stroke and heart attack, which is why it’s imperative to seek treatment if you or someone you love are experiencing any of these symptoms.

What Happens When You Produce Too Little?

 Low testosterone can create a slew of unpleasant side effects for men and in some cases lead to secondary conditions. Abnormally low libido is one of the first signs men experience as their levels begin to fall. Sluggishness often follows, since T has a significant impact on our neurological functions.

For some guys, this simply means less energy, but others may experience impacted cognitive function and memory recall. According to some studies, men with low T are significantly more likely to develop clinical depression than men with normal levels in the same age group.

Testosterone is a key building block of muscle growth, which is why when we have too little, it can lead to muscle weakness and atrophy. Gynecomastia, or the growth of female-like breast tissue, can also signal a drop in levels.

Much like female menopause, hypogonadism can cause hot flashes and changes in sleeping patterns for men. Another similarity between andropause and menopause is weight gain, which can make matters worse since belly fat typically increases estrogen levels.

Low T that goes untreated can predispose men to brittle bone disease, which raises the odds of bone breaks and fractures. The increased risk of osteoporosis is why many doctors suggest testosterone replacement for men with low T.

Frequently Asked Questions About
Testosterone Therapy

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Illumé Med Spa is the preeminent medical spa and wellness center in Lee's Summit, MO, focused on enhancing your beauty and overall health. We’ve invested in your lifelong beauty by offering innovative treatments and state-of-the-art lasers administered by our team of highly trained professionals. Using cutting edge technology, we provide everyone who walks into our facility with a customized treatment plan that results in everlasting beauty.

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How Testosterone Replacement Therapy Can Help

 In a nutshell, TRT involves supplemental doses of bio-identical testosterone given weekly or bi-weekly, to regulate circulating levels of T. These medications function exactly like naturally-made T, binding to the same receptors and carrying out the same physiological processes.

Return of libido and energy are some of the first changes noticed by patients as the TRT starts to take effect. In some cases, Studies show that TRT may also help symptoms of erectile dysfunction, due to its vasodilating effects, and impact on libido and cholesterol. One six-month clinical study found TRT increased levels of healthy lipids and drastically reduced levels of bad cholesterol with no adverse side effects.

Improved cognitive function, followed by better mood and increased muscle mass was the most common improvement noted by patients in a TRT patient satisfaction study.

Weight Loss comes easier for a lot of TRT patients since T prioritizes fat metabolism and muscle building over fat storage. While it won’t work as a diet pill, it’ll make your efforts in the gym and dietary changes more effective.

Some of the most significant effects associated with TRT happen internally, like bone resurfacing, better red blood cell counts, and improved cholesterol. Though these changes can only be seen with scans and blood analyses, they can curb the development of secondary conditions like osteoporosis and high cholesterol, and in some cases even reverse them.

If you’d like to learn more about what TRT can do for you, fill out the form below to schedule a free consultation today.

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Lee’s Summit, MO 64064


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